This now brings us to the last 30 years and the power struggle that Hosni Mubarak has had trying to walk both sides of the aisle. But in doing so both sides have begun to throw rocks at him. It had bought him 30 years in power in addition to aiding the American government by allowing for peaceful oil exchange and tourist security for some of the most amazing pyramids in the world. That is not to say that all has been well with Mubarak. He has had his far share of misusing his power and neglecting his duty to uphold justice.
But the one thing Egypt's recent protest as well as the ousting of the Mubarak regime is creating is the awareness of what Islamic teachings really is. The months proceeding 9/11 the approval of the Muslim religion actually went up to record levels in America leaving most liberal and conservative news stations to conclude it is a peaceful religion. That if we love the Muslim religion they will therefor love us. Almost with a self accusation that it was our fault they killed thousand of Americans due to our unlawful actions.
What the western world has failed to recognize is that there are only liberal Muslims in the west. They do not exist in the middle east. The one's that are more liberal and tolerating of other worldviews are either being deceptive or would simply never stand a chance of survival in the east. Several examples have come up over the past few weeks. One of which is CNN correspondence Anderson Cooper and his attempt to record the footage on site in Egypt. Moments into his attempted coverage he is attacked and suffers some injuries. Here is the video of that occurrence. More occurrances came even after Coopers run as Lara Logan a reporter from CBS who recently went to Egypt to report only to be sexually assaulted on the streets of Egypt.
The obvious Muslim leadership in the streets of Egypt will undoubtedly play a big roll in the rebuilding of the Egyptian government. How big is yet to be seen. The White House has seen first hand now the result and has attempted to react. President Barack Obama told Mubarak that his removal from office "Must begin now". This statement was retracted weeks later in a statement by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton who said Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak might not be able to quit his post as early as being demanded by the protesters as the transition process will take some time to roll out. One has to wonder what the roll of the Muslim Brotherhood has in all this but one thing will become clear, the Islamic religion is one based on sharia law and that law cannot coincide with any other religion. By nature it demands conformity from a society to its teaching. It is a religious movement but more then that a political dominating worldview. No liberal Muslim in America will be able to come to the forefront and defend there position because it simply is not dependable from a religious perspective.
So as the water subsides in Egypt and a vacuum for leadership is left, time will tell what will come of the new forming government. Our prayers must be for the people of Egypt who truly have been seeking liberation. Let us pray for a government to come in place that will protect those rights not remove them. Let us also pray for our Christian brothers and sisters who are undoubtedly under sever pressure during this trying times. And most of all let us pray for true liberation that comes only from Jesus Christ through the preaching of the gospel.
I am always glad to hear from readers. Write me at gandcmorris@gmail.com or feel free to leave a comment below.
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