"It is a physical and spiritual make-over kind of". Those are the words in the recent Grand Blanc View paper from Heidi Stoor, the Event Coordinator at Faith Lutheran Church of Grand Blanc, Michigan. Amanda Braniecki writes the article titled, "Spa day at Faith Lutheran to renew 'bodies and souls'." In an effort to "reach more people in every life stage" the Faith Lutheran Church of Grand Blanc will be pampering women and at the same time pampering the souls of those women in the community. What struck me as a bit disturbing about this article is two of the ways they will attempt to reach the women of the community is by offering Yoga classes as well as Pilates classes. These methods both once again point to a mind neutrality that simply does not exist. Dr Albert Mohlers article last year on the issue of blending these lines seems very appropriate given this subject matter. Furthermore we have all seen the issue of yoga coming up again and again as the lines of universalism are becoming more and more blurred.
I understand the concept behind this event and I appreciate Heidi Stoor for making efforts to reach her community. My biggest concern here is that as she stated in the article, "Whether you are coming for one aspect or for the whole thing, I can guarantee you will not be disappointed." One has to wonder if the gospel will be preached. Will she be able to reach the community with true spiritual renewal? My guess is no. For one Spiritual renewal is not a term in scripture. New Birth is the only true renewal and that is a gift of God. Second we know that the preaching of the cross is foolish to those who are not saved (1 Cor 1:18). So although Faith Lutheran may be reaching there community they will seem to be doing it using other means then the one given in scripture.
One has to wonder how much longer can the lines of spirituality and of Biblical Christianity stay so blended and at the same time so contrary to each other? My guess is they wont and as we have seen local Christian Schools offer Yoga classes after hours it would seem that the lines of Spirituality and Theology are becoming more and more blended at the cost of Theology every time.
I wonder how many Buddhist Temples preach the Gospel to reach Christians?
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