A Greater Desire to Protect My Wife
What prompted this blog was a video I recently have seen going around on the internet. This video took my breath away but not in the way you would expect. It shook me to the core. I have posted the video below. This will not be a video on marriage. This will not be a video on how to love your wife more. This will not be a video on the gospel and how it relates to the relationship of husband and wife. In fact this will not be a video on marriage at all. First please watch the video and my comments will follow...
Benny Hinn???? Preaching that way???? I know, twilight zone!!! But here is why it scared me. It scared me because he is right. It scared me because it was biblical (for the most part). Preachers are proclaiming a false gospel. Men in the church are punting away the truth of the exclusivity of Jesus Christ. Many mega churches are trying to not offend the crowd. Many leaders are trying to look like the world so as to make Jesus look "cool" (He is King and Lord).
But what scared me more then anything is that Benny Hinn is a false teacher and has been doing the very thing he is accusing others of. Benny Hinn is a heretic. Benny Hinn speaks lies in the name of my precious Lord. And Benny Hinn, like many other false teachers is transforming his demonic teaching into a more biblical one to come after unaware Christians and widows. When I saw this video I looked at my wife (almost in tears) and said, "what if I died a year or so ago when we were first coming to this understanding of solid teaching and comparing all things with scripture?" "You would hear this man say the very things I was saying to you at that time and you could be subjected to follow him----to Hell!"
God's word points this very thing out...
Matthew 7:15 ESV
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
Key point is that they are in "sheep's clothing" so you will not have one sheep and one wolf but two sheep standing in front of you. But one will be a wolf "inwardly". Sometimes, like in the case of Benny Hinn, I think his sheep outfit was ruined in the wash and it is pretty obvious.
1 Peter 5:8 ESV
"Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour."
2 Corinthians 11:14 ESV
"And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light"
Husbands, this is where I want to move more into the personal accountability to the home. Your wife can be lead astray. This is not to say that your wife is less intelligent then you (God knows that is not the case at my home). But you are commanded to build her up in the knowledge of the Lord. To help place her on solid ground for the sake of her soul. Because you love her so you will wash her in the Word (Ephesians 5:25-27). As Spiritual head you cannot leave this to others to do. You will give an account. We find this in Acts 20:28-31...
"Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood. I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. So be on your guard! Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears."
In context this is in relation to the elders of the church of God. So we will stay exegetical here and keep that meaning intact. But what I do want to point out is that when the founder, Teacher/Pastor left the church (The Apostle Paul) it opened up false teachers to come in. It was not a "possible" result in his departure but a sure thing, "Savage wolves will come in".
So Husbands, are you relying on others to tend to your flock? Yes your local church will have a role to play in that if you are gone, but so will your teaching to your family. So finding the right church and explaining why you picked that church will aid your family in case of your departure. The hope is you picked your local church due to it's biblical accuracy. So yes, the local church plays a huge role in guarding against false teachers but to rely exclusively on that is very dangerous. Here is a verse that helps us see why...
2 Timothy 3:1-7
"But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them. They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth."
I want to point out some key words in the above text...
"Having a form of godliness"- Form refers to outward shape or appearance. Their outward external form of religion looks like Christianity but in reality is demonic. Impossible to detect without biblical discernment making it all the more dangerous.
"Worm their way into homes"- Those that are exposed to this teaching seem to be getting it more on the personal level. The door knocks, the TV turns on. Either way it is when they are not under the protection of more mature believers.
"Weak-Willed Women" - Literal meaning is gullible women. Which means they have little knowledge of the truth and are weighed down with emotional and spiritual guilt.
Husbands, this means false teachers are coming for your wife and children. You have an obligation to protect them! If someone broke into your house you have an equal obligation to protect them. If a demonic teacher wants to take them to hell then you have an obligation to protect them. You and I have been given such a wonderful role to love and protect our wives as well as our children. How are you doing? I am not saying that you as a husband are more mature, more able minded or less prone to follow false teaching. But you do have an obligation to teach your family. Right and wrong when it comes to life in general and right and wrong when it comes to God's word.
Anytime I see or hear of a woman who follows some prosperity gospel or false teaching, my heart breaks. But it also burns with frustration because I know that (when she is married) a husband was not submitting to God's word and teaching his family any biblical discernment. Maybe there was just to much ministry to do? Maybe work got in the way? Maybe life just happened? But men, he (the devil) prowls and when your gone he will come for the kill. Are you getting your family ready to stand? Are you expecting someone else to do it for you? Do you think that it's not that dangerous?
Your wrong. That is part of the lie. Please begin today. Just open up a book of the Bible and read a little bit each day to your beautiful precious family. Stop assuming your always going to be there. What change a day can bring. Be earnest, pray God will help you feel more convicted of this need. And God will give you the wisdom. But please do something!!!
Benny Hinn???? Preaching that way???? I know, twilight zone!!! But here is why it scared me. It scared me because he is right. It scared me because it was biblical (for the most part). Preachers are proclaiming a false gospel. Men in the church are punting away the truth of the exclusivity of Jesus Christ. Many mega churches are trying to not offend the crowd. Many leaders are trying to look like the world so as to make Jesus look "cool" (He is King and Lord).
But what scared me more then anything is that Benny Hinn is a false teacher and has been doing the very thing he is accusing others of. Benny Hinn is a heretic. Benny Hinn speaks lies in the name of my precious Lord. And Benny Hinn, like many other false teachers is transforming his demonic teaching into a more biblical one to come after unaware Christians and widows. When I saw this video I looked at my wife (almost in tears) and said, "what if I died a year or so ago when we were first coming to this understanding of solid teaching and comparing all things with scripture?" "You would hear this man say the very things I was saying to you at that time and you could be subjected to follow him----to Hell!"
God's word points this very thing out...
Matthew 7:15 ESV
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
Key point is that they are in "sheep's clothing" so you will not have one sheep and one wolf but two sheep standing in front of you. But one will be a wolf "inwardly". Sometimes, like in the case of Benny Hinn, I think his sheep outfit was ruined in the wash and it is pretty obvious.
1 Peter 5:8 ESV
"Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour."
2 Corinthians 11:14 ESV
"And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light"
Husbands, this is where I want to move more into the personal accountability to the home. Your wife can be lead astray. This is not to say that your wife is less intelligent then you (God knows that is not the case at my home). But you are commanded to build her up in the knowledge of the Lord. To help place her on solid ground for the sake of her soul. Because you love her so you will wash her in the Word (Ephesians 5:25-27). As Spiritual head you cannot leave this to others to do. You will give an account. We find this in Acts 20:28-31...
"Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood. I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. So be on your guard! Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears."
In context this is in relation to the elders of the church of God. So we will stay exegetical here and keep that meaning intact. But what I do want to point out is that when the founder, Teacher/Pastor left the church (The Apostle Paul) it opened up false teachers to come in. It was not a "possible" result in his departure but a sure thing, "Savage wolves will come in".
So Husbands, are you relying on others to tend to your flock? Yes your local church will have a role to play in that if you are gone, but so will your teaching to your family. So finding the right church and explaining why you picked that church will aid your family in case of your departure. The hope is you picked your local church due to it's biblical accuracy. So yes, the local church plays a huge role in guarding against false teachers but to rely exclusively on that is very dangerous. Here is a verse that helps us see why...
2 Timothy 3:1-7
"But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them. They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth."
I want to point out some key words in the above text...
"Having a form of godliness"- Form refers to outward shape or appearance. Their outward external form of religion looks like Christianity but in reality is demonic. Impossible to detect without biblical discernment making it all the more dangerous.
"Worm their way into homes"- Those that are exposed to this teaching seem to be getting it more on the personal level. The door knocks, the TV turns on. Either way it is when they are not under the protection of more mature believers.
"Weak-Willed Women" - Literal meaning is gullible women. Which means they have little knowledge of the truth and are weighed down with emotional and spiritual guilt.
Husbands, this means false teachers are coming for your wife and children. You have an obligation to protect them! If someone broke into your house you have an equal obligation to protect them. If a demonic teacher wants to take them to hell then you have an obligation to protect them. You and I have been given such a wonderful role to love and protect our wives as well as our children. How are you doing? I am not saying that you as a husband are more mature, more able minded or less prone to follow false teaching. But you do have an obligation to teach your family. Right and wrong when it comes to life in general and right and wrong when it comes to God's word.
Anytime I see or hear of a woman who follows some prosperity gospel or false teaching, my heart breaks. But it also burns with frustration because I know that (when she is married) a husband was not submitting to God's word and teaching his family any biblical discernment. Maybe there was just to much ministry to do? Maybe work got in the way? Maybe life just happened? But men, he (the devil) prowls and when your gone he will come for the kill. Are you getting your family ready to stand? Are you expecting someone else to do it for you? Do you think that it's not that dangerous?
Your wrong. That is part of the lie. Please begin today. Just open up a book of the Bible and read a little bit each day to your beautiful precious family. Stop assuming your always going to be there. What change a day can bring. Be earnest, pray God will help you feel more convicted of this need. And God will give you the wisdom. But please do something!!!
Theological Rap Music?? (Part 2)

I just wanted to take a minute and introduce some of you to Christian Rap Music. I know, I know, cant be. Right? Well there is something going on in America among a younger generation and its not the issue of contextualization but that of theological accuracy. Specifically in reference to music and preaching. Time Magazine even did an article this past year saying that Calvinism is one of the top ten things changing the face of the nation. Which isn't to get into a debate about the proper understanding of that theology but just to bring attention to the fact that tens of thousand of young 20 and 30 somethings are looking for something more then the seeker sensitive, soft ball, random topic preaching that has taken the nation by storm in the 90's and still on the move. Willow Creek (one of the leading proponents of that movement) even did an announcement last year that the stronger, more mature Christians were leaving there church because of the lack of substance. Unfortunately they had a wrong method on how to fix that, but that is another story.
On the heals of the new movement toward stronger, more accurate preaching we find a strong desire for lyrical accuracy. So I want to touch on the depth of substance and theological accuracy in relation to this new surge in Christian Hip Hop Music. I have blogged about this subject before. An area I feel I could have served better is providing the lyrics of the song rather then just the video's. Now for sake of time I have picked three songs that I think would bless you. So First you will read a rap song about Charles H. Spurgeon (My favorite). Next a Song about being a Godly girl, woman, mom and wife (My wife and daughters favorite) and last but not least is a Q & A on Biblical Terms. So take a minute and just read the following songs....
written by s. linne
Verse 1
Let me make this plain kids- God is the greatest
He never changes- His ways are blameless
For His own glory and at different stages
He raises up servants to make His name famous
I’ll highlight one particular servant for
The purpose of encouraging your worship to the Lord
Furthermore, Charles Haddon Spurgeon was born
On the outskirts of London- 1834
His dad and his grandpa were both in the ministry
His mother was praying for his soul since his infancy
Naturally intelligent, rapidly developing
But lacking Jesus’ fellowship, that would be irrelevant
The God of his mother unknown
Though Christ was up in his home, the faith just wasn’t his own
The Lord answered prayer when at the age of 10
Young Charles became convinced of the wages of sin
For the next five years, the Spirit brought conviction
Terrors and affliction, aware of his condition
One Sunday morning though- the stormiest snow
Kept Charles from going in the church he’d normally go
Randomly stepped into a church
Heard the words “Look to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth”
And though only heaven knows the name of the preacher
That’s the day that Spurgeon became a believer
Verse 2
The Lord is so merciful, always so purposeful
Those whom He draws find His call irreversible
Immediately after Spurgeon’s conversion
Obediently, he was earnest to serve Him
The Lord poured His Spirit on Spurgeon abundantly
Anyone could see that he spoke with profundity
Extraordinary giftedness seen
Proclaiming God’s mysteries at the age of fifteen
In a place called Waterbeach graced with the sort of speech
That even made the old folks say, “This boy can preach!”
In fact he was so crafted after the Master
A Baptist church snatched him and asked him to pastor
At the time, He was seventeen years old
On fire for the King who redeemed his soul
People flocked from everywhere- it was quite a scene
Called to a church in London at the age of nineteen
He was more than ready- to his Lord he was dedicated
Even though he was never formally educated
If you would have scratched him, he would bleed Bible
A rich prayer life was his means of survival
Amount that he read was truly mind-blowing
Steeped in the writings of dudes like John Owen
And by God’s grace He fed the sheep new manna
In London met his wife, her name was Susannah
Verse 3
Behold the grace of God- stand to the side
The Spirit exalting the Lamb who has died
It can’t be denied- this man we describe
Was simply a tool in the hand of his God
To observe this servant’s extremely instructive
One word about Spurgeon is he was productive
Preached Jesus- no speakers- loudly he’d shout it
Each week packed houses of crowds in the thousands
His sermons were published- sixty-two volumes
He worked almost like he just knew he would die soon
Made mad disciples, passed on his knowledge
Established a school to train pastors in college
Sold out to the Lord Jehovah, his portion
Also he built two homes for the orphans
A monthly magazine, plus he wasn’t too busy
to write books- about a hundred and fifty
God’s grace in Spurgeon was manifest
But remember, the best man is a man at best
Yes, he struggled with depression- consistently sick, kid
Both he and Susannah physically afflicted
He experienced as a servant of Jesus
The power of God made perfect in weakness
Later on comes complications
His stands for orthodoxy got him shunned by his denomination
But through all the hardship and all the controversy
He never stopped relying on the sovereign God of mercy
And when he had finished pressing towards the goal
He entered into heaven at the age of fifty-seven
His life is a case of God’s grace effectively
At work in sinners to leave a great legacy
The proof is many years later in your speakers
We’re praising Jesus for raising up the "prince of preachers"
The next song is, Work It Out (Biblical Womanhood.
Work It Out
written by s. linne
You running hard for the King?
I know that’s right!
Is Jesus your everything?
I know that’s right!
Did He really make all things new?
No doubt!
By His grace, whatcha gonna do?
Work it out!
Verse 1
She’s not your typical girl
Sixteen years old and she’s dead to the world
Faith by her lifestyle demonstrated
because the gospel penetrated and now she’s regenerated
Her Master is greater than fashions and flavors
She patterns her behavior after the Savior
Back in the days you would have seen her standing in the mirror
Yeah, her skin was clear, but her vanity was clearer
Now she’s in the Scriptures and wants to be like
Hannah and Sarah rather than Christina Aguilera
Wordly girls imitate Missy Elliot
But she wants to be like Elisabeth Eliot
Not flexing her body, see she dresses with modesty
She’s not perfect- she confesses sin honestly
Christ crucified! That’s her permanent shout
And by the grace of the Lord, she’s working it out
You running hard for the King?
I know that’s right!
Is Jesus your everything?
I know that’s right!
Did He really make all things new?
No doubt!
By His grace, whatcha gonna do?
Work it out!
Verse 2
She’s not your normal wife
She’s twenty-four and Christ is the Lord of her life
Her walk is evidence that she trusts in God
And it feels so good to be justified
And no, she doesn’t have a Master’s in Divinity
But what she does have is a passion for the Trinity
When she recalls her previous prodigal seasons
And how at times she could be the loudest of heathens
She praises God for making this former feminist
submit to her husband for theological reasons
Worldly wives watch Oprah to learn to be a lady
But she’s reading the writings of Carolyn Mahaney
And she would never disrespect her husband in public
And if she does it, she repents- I love it!
Christ crucified! That’s her permanent shout
And by the grace of the Lord, she’s working it out
You running hard for the King?
I know that’s right!
Is Jesus your everything?
I know that’s right!
Did He really make all things new?
No doubt!
By His grace, whatcha gonna do?
Work it out!
Verse 3
She’s not your usual mother
{ahem} years old and she’s true to the lover
of her soul, she beholds the cross where He copped it
Once was agnostic, now she’s adopted
Her passion grows greater as she beholds him
Job title: homemaker/ theologian
Early in her walk, she would fight against His will then
The Lord used her marriage and the Bible to reveal sin
Now she fights to kill sin and her greatest joy is
serving her husband as she’s discipling her children
While worldly mothers stress shopping for the new style
She’s pouring into younger women Titus 2 style
Teaching others how to rightly see brothers and be mothers
And most of all better Jesus lovers
Christ crucified! That’s her permanent shout
And by the grace of the Lord, she’s working it out
You running hard for the King?
I know that’s right!
Is Jesus your everything?
I know that’s right!
Did He really make all things new?
No doubt!
By His grace, whatcha gonna do?
Work it out! (4x)
Last song is one of my top favorite songs of all time. It is called
Atonement Q and A
Verse 1
Who is God? God is the universe’s Creator
And Sustainer plus the only Savior, there is no one greater
He triune, holy, omnipotent, omniscient, absolute
Loving, sovereign and righteous are a few of His attributes
How do we know this? Well, we know this from the Bible
Where God has revealed Himself- anything else is just an idol
What’s the Bible about? Man’s complete ruin in sin
And what God has done in Christ to bring us to Him again
What is sin? Sin is the breaking of God’s law
Plus our condition, which means from birth we all got flaws
What’s the result? The result is by nature we’re God’s enemies
And must pay the penalty unless God provides the remedy
What the remedy? The remedy is the cross of Christ
Where He suffered all the strikes for the lawless type
I’ve been rescued by the Lamb, I’m convinced that He’s risen
And blessed is the man whose sins are forgiven!
Just fall back, and with the eyes of faith
Behold the beauty of surprising grace
Because the Lamb has died, third day He had to rise
He’s magnified- God’s wrath is satisfied
Just fall back- there’s an atonement now
The cross of Christ is holy ground
Because the Lamb has died, third day He had to rise
He’s magnified- God’s wrath is satisfied
Verse 2
Regeneration- the Holy Spirit’s true work in His love
To the elect, who receive new birth from above
Expiation- expiation means God’s removed my filthiness
The old testament type was the goat into the wilderness
Redemption- we’ve been freed from slavery to sin
And His very own blood is the price He paid, my friend
Propitiation- Propitiation means since the Lamb has died
His work is finished- God’s wrath is satisfied
Adoption- adoption means God is now my Father
I got the hottest Poppa and by the Spirit holler Abba
Reconciliation means there’s no more enmity
God is now a friend to me, we’re no longer enemies
Justification- God declares us righteous
Sanctification- we’re being made into His likeness
Glorification- that’s what happens at the finish
When God conforms believers perfectly to Christ’s image!
Verse 3
God’s grace is magnificent, He slayed His innocent
Son- through faith and repentance we get the benefits
What is faith? Faith is a gift from God- when we receive this
We trust and treasure the person and finished work of Jesus
Repentance? Repentance is turning from your sin
And trusting Christ as the Spirit cleanses you within
What is grace? Oh, grace is unmerited favor
Our inheritance major ‘cause we cherish the Savior
Right, and if I may quote again, we were doomed with Satan
But believers get Jesus’ righteousness through imputation
Imputation? God takes Jesus’ righteousness amount
Through faith He credits it into the Christian’s account
Anything else? Well, I guess this overview must suffice
But none of this is possible apart from union with Christ
And finally, once you know the ways of the Lord than the
only thing that you can say is Soli Deo Gloria!
Thought you might enjoy!
For further reading and listening we have a interview with Mark Dever, Sovereign Grace Blog Post, Worship 09' (Bob Kauflin) or visit Shai's Blog. My prayer for that genre of music is that God would redeem it and it appears He is and can make all things bring glory to His wonderful name. Even if your preference is not toward the genre may you see the work being done and pray that more would come to faith and repentance not by compromising the message but by conveying it to other people groups in this nation and others.
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