Theological Rap Music.

Those words which so easily can be typed were once difficult to imagine for myself. There was a time that form of music dominated my life as a young unsaved man. The words and the messages behind the lyrics had me convinced that women were second class citizens, fathers and mothers were needless, money was the ruler of the world and much more. I would not say I was a gangster or a thug or anything like that but I had a sinful attraction to foul language and perverse lyrics. After my conversion nearly 4 years ago God removed many things from my life that had been offending him like improper shows on tv, my offensive choice of words, the desire to be wealthy, and of specific importance my love for rap music. Gods mercy was made evident when he replaced an unlearned man who did not like to study or read and gave me a desire for His word and showed me the importance of theology and biblical discernment.

Colossians 1:16 - “All things were created through Christ and for Christ”.
Even Hip Hop???

Part way through my conversion some close friends at the time were listening to some Christian rap music that was a bit more then your family friendly radio station hip hop songs that, like secular hip hop/rap, just repeat an idea of phrase with out diving into the truth of scripture. The Bible may be a part of the songs but not the main focus of the music. So I had my doubts in place and after hearing what the radio played I was sure that form was sunk. But then a friend of mine played a CD for me that was a breath of fresh air in with theological accuracy. Although I was not ready to rekindle my love for the music form I had been surprised. Since that time God has given me a love for the art of putting theology to rap beats. I have been more and more amazed at the theological implications of the music and just amazed that God can rescue a genre of music and use it for His glory. Dont believe me? Dont take my word for it.....

Shai Linne's song on Charles Spurgeon

Spurgeon - Shai Linne

Albert Mohler Show (Russell Moore) talks about the subject here.

Although my favorites tend to be old time hymns I still appreciate the way young men have in fact honored God with there music and seem to dive into scripture to get there material. Which brings me back to Colossians 1:16 - “All things were created through Christ and for Christ”. Even hip hop when done to His glory.

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