Striking the news, blogesphers, social networks and radio programs is this new delemma over a recent constructed document called, "The Manhattan Declaration." The document itself is a declaration of unity over the outcry of aggressive assaults upon the sanctity of life, homosexuality and a few other moral issues happening in the United States at this time. The signers of this document claim to be unified in agreement that these issues are non negotiable and are bonding together to affix there names to this document as an outcry to these injustices. The problem is that the signers range from Roman Catholics to Conservative Evangelicals.
Why is that a problem you ask? The issues is mainly that the terminology within the document. Terms like, "We make this commitment not as partisans of any political group but as followers of Jesus Christ" or "We (Christians), act together", "We are Christians who have joined together." It is simply declaring a unity within the worldwide church of Jesus Christ (with only ecclesial differences) to come together and unite for the cause of these moral dilemmas that are in fact plaguing this country. But the problem is the fact that there is not a brotherhood with in Christians and Catholics when referring to the gospel and the fundamental belief of Justification by Faith alone in Christ alone. This is not a small chasim. Imputed and infused righteousness as a theological difference find no common ground. Now without getting into that fully (as I have spoken about that in more detail on former post) I would simply like to express my shock to see some very conservative evangelical leaders affix there name to this document. People like Dr Alber Mohler and Dr. J. Ligon Duncan who I respect and love as brothers very much. Less shocking (yet notable) were people like Ravi Zacharias, Joni Eareckson Tada, Randy Alcorn. And of course there were those we all would have been surprised if there names were not on the list, Jim Daily, James Dobson and Chuck Coloson just to name a few.
I just dont think we can set theology aside, come together with a degree of theological similarities and show the world that we are in fact any different. I cant help but wonder if Dr Albert Mohler and others like him would have signed this if Depoch Chopra was one of the main framers? Is the level of uniformity only based on the name of Christ and not the work achieved on the cross? Can we ever simply work along side people with theological difference to bring about some kind of moral agenda? Well I say Yes we can. I can join a local neighborhood watch with the people in my community if there are a string of break in's to help protect each other. I would have no problem signing my name to that kind of declaration. The problem comes when it is done in a overtone of spiritual uniformity. I would never sign a document in my community to fight crime in the spirit of Christian brotherhood. I just simply know all the people in my community do not adhere the the fundamentals of the faith. So any time in the spirit of ecumenicism, when we subvert the gospel to achieve some moral high ground we are actually doing more harm for the gospel then good!
I also know that in an era of quick post, one minute drama and all us blog writers thinking we have the next big story or in my case that I have anything worth reading. Lets be quick to pray. I know Dr Mohler is a great man of God and has not subverted the gospel. I think in signing this document he had done just that but lets not be quick to shoot at our faithful brothers who work so hard and labor over the gospel. Although this is a shocker. Lets use this as a reminder to pray for the issues outlined in this document as well as the unconverted Roman Catholics and Evangelicals. Lets use discernment and pray for wisdom when it comes to emotionally charged issues such as these and continue to proclaim the biblical gospel of complete forgiveness of sins by repenting and trusting Christ alone as your savior. This is the method God will use to combat moral issues, by changing the hearts and minds of those who adhere to those differences. Not by a stock pile of signatures to a document but souls won to Christ.
For more information see the following links....
The Manhattan Declaration.
Albert Mohlers gives a defense.
Dr Mohler on Detroits radio program The Paul Edwards Program explaining.
Ravi Zacharias explains.
John Macathur Explains why not.
John Macarthur on Chris Fabry on why not.
Phil Johnson on The Paul Edwards Program explaining why not.
Alistair Begg on why not.
James White on why not.
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