Today on my trip to the local auto part store I happened to come across a young man name Miguel. I have been having such a wonderful time with Living Waters newest celebrity million dollar bills. I was sceptical at first but they are fantastic.
Walking in to my favorite auto part store I noticed I was the only one in there which alerted me to seek out opportunities to witness to the employees that I may run into. After grabbing my 2 for 1 deal on brake fluid I walked over to the counter. After paying I gave the young man behind the counter a million dollar bill. He went to open the cash register but realized he was out of paper. At that point he called another young man over to help him. I gave him a million dollar bill that allowed us to launch into the conversation of the million dollar question, "Will you go to heaven?" at which point Miguel said to me soberly that he was going to heaven. The original young man who was taking my money said, "no comment". I asked him if he was an atheist and he said that he was. I asked that if building prove builders and paintings prove painters does not creation prove that there was a creator? He laughed and looked down to read the bill. At that moment the phone rang and he picked it up. I then switched to Miguel. I said, Miguel if you are going to heaven what do you base that fact on? He said, "oh you know I believe." I said, with out expanding on what it just is that he "believes" in, do you consider yourself to be a pretty good person. He of course professed his own goodness and said, yup. I at that point used the law to show him his true state before God and his guilt not to man but to God. He said that even though he has broken Gods law and would be guilty he would still go to heaven. I asked why and he proceed to tell me how he has changed his life and is living much better now. I told Miguel that it does not matter if he is perfect everyday for the rest of his life, he still was guilty. I reminded him that if he was found guilty in a court of law of a crime and then told the judge he was innocent because even though he broke the law he has been doing good stuff since then. It would not change the fact that justice must be made for his crimes. He told me at that point he has been to prison. I was able at that point to ask him if he knew what God did so that he would not go to hell. He thought for a moment and came back with a big nope. I said to Miguel that 2000 years Jesus Christ stepped into his court room and paid his fine. He broke the law but Jesus paid his fine. I said, "Miguel do you understand what took place was a legal transaction. Jesus paid your find so God can legally remit all yours sins on the day of judgment?" He was silent (the law shuts the mouth). I said to Miguel that he must repent of his sin not just say I am sorry but turn from it once and for all and to trust in Jesus the same way he trusted in his own goodness just a few minutes ago. At that point the other man ended his phone call and two customers came in and walked next to me and asked them questions. I asked Miguel if he has a Bible he said yes he does and so I looked at him and he was for the first time eye to eye with me and I said Miguel please read it. He said he would. I looked at the original man and told him he could keep the change. Pray for the both of them.
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