Today I was encouraged by a brother in the Lord to write my top events of 2008 and as I pondered the thoughts I was overwhelmed with all God has done for me and my family for His glory in 2008. I just don't know where to start but here is a top ten although this list is MUCH longer...
10. My first drink of Coffee. MMMMMMM Jk. This is number 10.
9. Answered prayer.
8. Getting a more solid foundation for our family devotion.
7. Meeting John Macarthur (thanks to my wife).
6. Getting a phone call from Ray Comfort at work (thanks to my wife).
5. A brother in the Lord who happens to be in a Pastoral roll and seeing the wonder of expository preaching and the importance of Biblical Theology. You have grown so much.
4. Following our convictions and finding Mt Morris Community Church.
3. Our daughter Grace having her first positive heart exam in her short 4 years of life.
2. The son my wife gave me Joshua Benjamin Morris.
1. The amazing ability my wife has at handling Me and the kids. The amount of Grace that God has given her and the fact she is still sane and seeking to be even more godly is just amazing. Babe, I stand in awe of all that you do. Thank you!
With all that said I just am a blessed man and God has been so good to me and my family. I thank Him for answering pray in the life of Jeff and Kari with the birth of Payton. I thank God for letting us meet the Norris Family, I thank God for our Pastor and His wife being so instrumental, I thank God for all that New Creation did for us, I thank God for the growth I see in our children, I thank God for my Job and all the owners have done to press on, the growth my mom has shown in the past few months, and there is so much more.
Thank you Lord for this past year.
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