How long or Lord?
At what point does your belief make killing wrong?
Listen to this episode of Wretched Radio.
The following is an edited transcript of a message preached by R. Albert Mohler, Jr. for "Sanctity of Human Life Sunday" on January 18, 2009. Today's installment is the fifth in the six-part series.
Abortion is a Gospel issue.
Abortion is a Gospel issue because the extinguishing and termination of a life within the womb is not merely homicide, it is robbing God of His glory - the glory that rightly is His, displayed in every single human life.
Abortion is an act of defiance against the Creator. Is it an act of violence against this unborn child? Yes, it is an act of violence that leads even to homicide against this child. But it is also an act of defiance against God. It is the willful act of denying God His glory. God made this human being in His image. Before the person even was formed in the womb he was known by the Creator, and before he or she was formed, he or she was loved.
When that baby was destroyed, when that pregnancy is terminated (there's the euphemism), it is a Gospel issue because we know that when that life is terminated it is not merely that a human life is extinguished, it is that there dies a person who desperately, desperately deserves life. And, living desperately, needs to hear the Gospel.
You see, every life that is terminated is a life made for covenant and made for communion. And yet, this same life is willfully terminated by people whose abhorrence of life and rebellion against the Creator is so extreme that they will become the agents of death rather than the agents of life. Abortion is always a Gospel issue because we can never talk about human beings, even in secular terms, as just being superior to other animals. We cannot speak of human beings simply as having a special dignity merely because we are the ones with language, self-consciousness, a sense of the future, and a sense of humor.
Some anthropologists say that human beings are distinct from other animals, but is becoming increasingly difficult to answer the "why?" - the question of why humans are distinct. Very seriously, just recently I read that human beings are different because we have a sense of humor. Are you telling me that we get to drive and they don't, because we laugh? This is the ridiculousness of a world in rebellion against God. We are the ones who understand that every single human being is made in God's image, and thus, to extinguish that life is to extinguish the image of God within the womb.
We come to understand that abortion is a picture also, in a Gospel-perspective, of why we so desperately need the Gospel. It is because we are people who would do this. And it is so dangerous that we would be here today on the Lord's Day as Christians, and that we would think about abortion as something that is someone else's fault, and someone else's problem. It is our problem because it is a picture of sinful humanity. Brothers and sisters, that is who we are. We are a people who in our own way will choose death rather than life. We are the people who, each in his own way, just as "every sheep has gone astray in its own way" as Isaiah says, will form our own rebellion against the Creator - and we do and we did.
Abortion is a Gospel issue because it is such a graphic sin that it points us to the very heart of the human rebellion of God against sin and it points to the very heart of why we so desperately need Christ.
You know, there may be someone reading this today, there may be someone reading this ten years from now - and you are someone who has experienced an abortion. There may be someone who has experienced not only one, but multiple abortions. There may be someone here who is haunted by empty footsteps. The sight of every stroller and crib brings a pang of conscience.
I have good news for you. I know who you are. You are a murderer. I have good news for you. I know who you are. You are a sinner. I have good news for you. There is a savior. I have other news for you. You are in the company of fellow murderers.
You see, the story of the Bible, the story of the Gospel is that when Jesus Christ was sent by the Father, those Jesus was sent to save, killed him. Jesus himself told the parable of the wicked tenants within the vineyard. Because of their wickedness - a picture of our human wickedness - when the vineyard owner sends his own son, the tenants killed him!
I want to tell you, if you have yourself chosen abortion, if you have experienced abortion - you are a murderer. But you are in the company of fellow murderers with blood on our hands because sinful humanity killed the sinless Son of God.
If that is where the story ended, then death would have its victory, sin would have its victory, and that would be the end of it. We would have nothing to say and we would just go home and live out whatever remains of our lives in the despair of a people who know no hope.
But that is not where the story ends, because that is where the Gospel turns and tells us that even in light of the fact that we are sinners beyond even our own imagination to understand our sin, even though we rob God of His glory, even though we do everything we can and everything within our power to do new ways of doing evil, even though the Apostle Paul makes clear - "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" - God loved us so much! It was His purpose in the very beginning before we ever existed. He knew us and He loved us, before we were formed in the world He had a plan for us and He sent His Son, to die on the Cross, to shed His blood, to pay the penalty for our sin, to pay a price that we could not pay, to die in our place, and yes, by that one death, to accomplish salvation for sinners.
Abortion is a Gospel issue.
How to grow a new high school? Oops I mean a Church.
Ever dream you could go back into high school and relive your glory days. Or maybe you were a shy person and the thought of going back to be a social butterfly has passed your mind a time or two. What about a school that had no teachers and no authority. Imagine a place today where nobody tells you what you are doing is wrong and you can all join together and remake your high school songs into songs that make you feel like the center of the universe. Imagine!!!!!
Yes, you have a hole that we can fix!
Are you hurt, do you need a place to belong?
We want to help put all the pieces together!
What has Jesus become?
To the American church, Jesus is just a life enhancer not a savior. You may ask, how is that? Well churches in large today present Jesus Christ as the one who will fix there marriage, fix there financial situation, give them purpose, give them hope, give them love, love, love, love. So they come to Jesus and give it a try.
The Problem......SIN.
People must come to Jesus as Lord and Savior not some kind of wishing star.
What happens.....Trials, tribulation, persecution, funny we don't tell them about any of that.
Churches now are filled with unconverted, hip, party goers and the church fills up with theses people and at the same time the leaders keep going for the next wave of the same people. For one fill up there church with more people.
Now keep in mind the church messages are geared to get unconverted people in the door. So once they get in the door they get to hear more messages toward those on the outside to feel like Christianity is cool and hip and relevant (of course). Growth occurs only by joining a small group and even then the books and DVDs are all geared toward the unsaved and so they dry up and become unconverted older people.
What premise to you build your church on? Filling it up with unsaved people and training them how to reach out and bring in more unsaved people who train them to reach in to bring more unsaved people and nobody gets converted but they come to Jesus as a life enhancement and a place to belong!!!
Do you do what the New Testament Church does. Do church for believers and not market it as a tool for evangelism? You bring in believers (sure non believers can come in if they wish) but you strengthen each other and preach, teach and train others to grow in holiness and send them into there jobs, homes, schools to reach a dying world and come back and do it again each blessed Sunday.
Which one are you?
To Presup or not?
I am trying in my own study to decide which perspective of Evangelism is more beneficial. I think most people will agree it depends on the situation but I believe when you formulate a conviction than you will approach a conversation with that conviction. So here is the question I want to ask others what they think. Do we evangelise with Presuppositional apologetics or not? If you are not sure what this is please read on...
This form of Christian apologetics deals with Presupposition's. A Christian Presuppositionalist presupposes God's existence and argues from that perspective to show the validity of Christian theism. This position also presupposes the truth of the Christian Scriptures and relies on the validity and power of the gospel to change lives (Rom. 1:16). From the scriptures, we see that the unbeliever is sinful in his mind (Rom. 1:18-32) and unable to understand spiritual things (1 Cor. 2:14). This means that no matter how convincing the evidence or good the logic, an unbeliever cannot come to the faith because his fallen nature will distort how he perceives the truth. The only thing that can ultimately change him is regeneration. To this end, the presuppositionalist seeks to change a person's presuppositions to be in conformity with biblical revelation.
I have found that a person's presuppositions are extremely important when discussing God and the validity of Christianity. I always ask diagnostic questions to find out where a person is philosophically and presuppositionally so I might better discuss Christianity. This is a very important point to focus on because one's presuppositions will govern how one interprets facts. Please consider the following dialogue as a realistic example of how this works.
Allen: I am an atheist and evolutionist. Prove to me there is a God.
Paul: I do not think I can do that, because of your presuppositions.
Allen: Why not?
Paul: Because your presuppositions will not allow you to examine without bias the evidence that I present to you for God's existence.
Allen: That is because there is no evidence for God's existence.
Paul: See? There you go. You just confirmed what I was stating.
Allen: How so?
Paul: Your presupposition is that there is no God; therefore, no matter what I might present to you to show His existence, you must interpret it in a manner consistent with your presupposition: namely, that there is no God. If I were to have a video tape of God coming down from heaven, you'd say it was a special effect. If I had a thousand eye-witnesses saying they saw Him, you'd say it was mass-hysteria. If I had Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in the New Testament, you'd say they were forged, dated incorrectly, or not real prophecies. So, I cannot prove anything to you since your presupposition won't allow it. It is limited.
Allen: It is not limited.
Paul: Yes it is. Your presupposition cannot allow you to rightly determine God's existence from evidence -- providing that there were factual proofs of His existence. Don't you see? If I DID have incontrovertible proof, your presupposition would force you to interpret the facts consistently with your presupposition and you would not be able to see the proof.
Allen: I see your point, but I am open to being persuaded, if you can.
Paul: Then, I must ask you, what kind of evidence would you accept that would prove God's existence? I must see what your presuppositions are and work either with them or against them.
Presuppositional apologetics differs from Classical apologetics "in that presuppositional apologetics rejects the validity of traditional proofs for the existence of God." A pure presuppositionalist tackles the worldview of a person and seeks to change the very foundation of how a person perceives facts.
Adherents to this position have been Cornelius Van Til, Abraham Kuyper, Greg Bahnsen, John Frame, etc.
(End Quote)
Now the non Presuppositionalist will attempt to spend some time on proving the existence of God and debate evolution, polytheism, etc.
Now the two sides of the coin for me would be someone like Mark Spence (The Dean of the School of Biblical Evangelism) says that he is not a presup and that he finds that the Holy Spirit's job is to convict the world of sin, judgment and righteousness. The longer he is off track on trying to convince someone of God without "presupposing" God the less work is being done on conviction with the power of God.
On the other side we have someone like James White who quotes (and debates) people like Richard Dawkins, and other militant atheist and he says that it is impossible in today's climate not to be a Presuppositionalist in evangelism.
Now I know we can have both, I know we need a good mixture but what do you think is the best way to go about it? Do we spend much time on apologetics to boost our credibility and than use the law and the cross to share the gospel. Or do we use little apologetics and preach the gospel regardless of there opinion??
Top Events of 08'
Today I was encouraged by a brother in the Lord to write my top events of 2008 and as I pondered the thoughts I was overwhelmed with all God has done for me and my family for His glory in 2008. I just don't know where to start but here is a top ten although this list is MUCH longer...
10. My first drink of Coffee. MMMMMMM Jk. This is number 10.
9. Answered prayer.
8. Getting a more solid foundation for our family devotion.
7. Meeting John Macarthur (thanks to my wife).
6. Getting a phone call from Ray Comfort at work (thanks to my wife).
5. A brother in the Lord who happens to be in a Pastoral roll and seeing the wonder of expository preaching and the importance of Biblical Theology. You have grown so much.
4. Following our convictions and finding Mt Morris Community Church.
3. Our daughter Grace having her first positive heart exam in her short 4 years of life.
2. The son my wife gave me Joshua Benjamin Morris.
1. The amazing ability my wife has at handling Me and the kids. The amount of Grace that God has given her and the fact she is still sane and seeking to be even more godly is just amazing. Babe, I stand in awe of all that you do. Thank you!
With all that said I just am a blessed man and God has been so good to me and my family. I thank Him for answering pray in the life of Jeff and Kari with the birth of Payton. I thank God for letting us meet the Norris Family, I thank God for our Pastor and His wife being so instrumental, I thank God for all that New Creation did for us, I thank God for the growth I see in our children, I thank God for my Job and all the owners have done to press on, the growth my mom has shown in the past few months, and there is so much more.
Thank you Lord for this past year.
Even a home appliance can preach.
I know it is a crazy title but let me explain....
But before I do that I want to just say that this year I want to make a point of sharing more of my witnessing encounters. I want to share audio, video and just stories of sharing the gospel. I have prayed about because I did not want to loose my reward or sound a trumpet. At the same time I recognize in my own life that it was real life stories, encounters, audio and video that got me out of the pulpit and into the work. So as I share don't think I am trying to draw attention to me. Trust me, without the work of God and the power of the Holy Spirit as well as redemption in Christ I am nothing. In fact I just Carry the message, I did not make the message and I don't give the message any power. God does all of that. So these are not primary stories about me but about God. Gods work in my life, Gods work in the message, Gods work in the hearer. We all just sit back and watch Him.
So let me explain the title. We have a oil furnace. Kind of old but works great. The only problem is you have to watch it like a gas gauge and see how much you have left. Well once this year it broke down and I had a repair man come out. I shared the Gospel with him and it was such a wonderful conversation. He got a copy of Herman who, available at wreteched radio and we talked for nearly and hour as he described never hearing anything like what I shared and how we can know the Bible is true. Well soon after it was on E before I expected. This happened last Saturday. I just thought about checking it and was just shocked it went so quick. Either way I called Marathon Oil and asked them if they could come out today. They said that they are booked but would try and if they did not make it out today than they could not come out until Monday. Well I know that we would be out of oil by than. So we prayed God would do His will. If they did not come out well we praised God we have home heaters to plug in the wall. That day was a new year for us and I prayed that as God brought people around me that it would be divine intervention and I would pray for those situations more. So I prayed that if God could do it, He would send someone out today and it would be the person He wanted to hear the gospel.
Not even 30 minutes after praying that prayer my wife gets a call as we were walking out the door to go to the store and it was a driver looking for our address. She thanked him and told him he was an answered prayer and blessing than gave him our address and hung up.
She left for the store and he showed up. His name was Mark and he was a pretty tough looking dude. I walked out there and gave him the money he needed and because I am nice I gave him and extra million dollar bill. He said that he appreciated the tip and he asked me if we were Christians. I said yes and that we prayed God would lead the right person to us. He said that he has not been in church for a while and he could tell we were Christians by my wife's attitude on the phone. He said that the day before he prayed that God would help him be more committed to Him and the reading of the word.
Seeing and opportunity I asked Mark if he died today would he go to heaven? He said that he would and so I asked if he thought he was a good person. At that point he was confused but agreed that he was. So seeing a conflicting self diagnoses, mainly that Gods saves sinners and those that are not good, he was given the law and then the gospel. I must say that he knew many of the words before I could even say them. But what made the difference is the term legal transaction. I know we have heard that a lot lately but it made him silent. I told him that God can "legally" let him go now on judgment day based on the work of Jesus Christ. It all clicked. I saw the light go on and than my next words where to Mark that if he died today that he would go to hell if he trust in his goodness as the foundation for his admittance into heaven but that is not Gods will. He paid your fine in His life's blood and what you must do is repent and trust in Christ not just believe. He shook his head yes and said that made so much sense (Truth does).
I asked him how long has it been since he read his Bible. He said he did not even want to tell me. So than I asked him what if his wife wrote him a love letter on the way out the door and she said she poured her heart out in it and has everything she wants to say to him in it. Then she called you at lunch and you were eating with your friends at a restaurant and watching a game on TV and you told her that you did not have time. What would her reaction be? He agreed she would be very upset. So I asked him how God must feel about his lack of attention to Gods 66 love letters to him. He said, "I know what I am doing tonight". I asked what, he said going to church and reading my Bible. Needless to say that even when I was bummed that the heat went so quick. God gave us money to pay for it, sent someone the same day, and was glorified in the proclamation of the Gospel. Home Appliance's preach! I am breaking my fridge tonight!!!!!
Pray for Mark.
If you are struggling with reading your Bible than check out The New Testament Project Here.
It's been a bit
Sorry to the bloggers. It has been a bit since I posted. We have had a house of sick kids and parents since the new year. But we are all well at this point.
Looking to 09 I am so excited. We plan on taking on some challenges this year that are all new. The New Testament Project was one that we are getting of the ground but look forward to the development of the site and more important, the blessing that comes from the text. For evangelism it will be a new year for our family and fellow brothers that will join us or have been with us before. With a new church means a new area to make an impact in. So we will be putting together our schedule and posted it here and I am sure it will be on! So we are looking for areas to open air and pass out tracts in the Mt Morris area. If you know of high traffic areas and/or fairs, community events, whatever would give us open ears. We will also be doing more of the things we did last year near our work in Pontiac. Either way if you are interested in joining us this year or know some spots that would be of interest....please let me know so we can be prepared.
Thanks and God bless,
Looking to 09 I am so excited. We plan on taking on some challenges this year that are all new. The New Testament Project was one that we are getting of the ground but look forward to the development of the site and more important, the blessing that comes from the text. For evangelism it will be a new year for our family and fellow brothers that will join us or have been with us before. With a new church means a new area to make an impact in. So we will be putting together our schedule and posted it here and I am sure it will be on! So we are looking for areas to open air and pass out tracts in the Mt Morris area. If you know of high traffic areas and/or fairs, community events, whatever would give us open ears. We will also be doing more of the things we did last year near our work in Pontiac. Either way if you are interested in joining us this year or know some spots that would be of interest....please let me know so we can be prepared.
Thanks and God bless,
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