For those looking to get a deeper understanding of God's word and feel they need personal accountability then join us as we undergo a wonderful new project starting January 1st of 2009. This is how it works...
We will be starting in the Gospel of Matthew and systematically move through the whole New Testament. We will be following the MacArthur Study Bible's reading plan. We will read one book at a time repetitiously for a month. This will help us retain what is in the New Testament and help us need our concordance less and use our mind more.
With longer books like Matthew we will divide it into short sections and read daily for 30 days. For example, the gospel of John contains 21 chapters. We will divide it into 3 sections of 7 chapters. Section one will be read each day for 30 days. Section two will be read each day for 30 days and so on. At the end of 90 days, we will finish the Gospel of John. At the end of time, you will know what is in the book. We will blog, email each other and for personal use we can write down on an index card the major theme of each chapter. By referring to our card and blog post for our daily reading we will begin to remember the content of each chapter. A bonus will be that we will develop a visual perception of the book in our mind.
In two and half years we will have finished the entire New Testament and will really know it!!!
If you feel the need to know more. If you know that you do better when held accountable. If you know you have not been retaining what you read in the New Testament. Then step up and join arms with us by adding your name, email or blog to this post under comments and I will send you any necessary material to promote the project with your friends and family. Some of you prefer to email so go ahead and email me at garyandtina@comcast.net