I have been witnessing over the past year with a man whom I love dearly. He is a devote catholic and he and I have shared opposing views with much interjection from his current Priest. I feel as if I know this priest and I can almost foresee every swing back he will have toward me as he looks for spiritual truth. Over the years we have discussed the Law and its proper use, mercy, Holiness, and works. I knew our time together was coming to an end due to his soon retirement. I wanted to make sure he understood our differences and was clear on what the result would be according to scripture if he held his current views. I am sure I could have lead him to 100 "sinner prayers" but thank God that never happened. I knew if anything would save him it would be the word of God and the power there of. So I have been just knuckles down on the issues of Justification and if it is infused or imputed. I knew already what Scripture taught but I did not understand how Catholicism can come to some misunderstanding of infused righteousness.
Currently I am reading a book by Jonathan Edwards on Justification by Faith alone and it has been such a blessing to me. After going through several Catholic blogs I am shocked at the constant contradictions within the blogs. They say that works is necessary for salvation but there verses are ripped out of context and then seeing quotes for justification apart from the law is by faith. I just dont get it.
When we parted ways, I asked him if he would be willing to read Romans Chapter 4 and he declined. I asked why? He said he trust what the priest and myself tell him. I told him that we both could be leading him to hell and unless he checks for himself he will never get saved. He said he will be fine and I said no you wont not based on your goodness and he drove away and said "bye Gary". Be in prayer for him this week if you could. In the mean time I want to start tomorrow with a overview of Romans 4 and its clear unmistakable explanation of Justification by FAITH ALONE.
God Bless
Catholicism teaches that initially we are justified by faith alone. Nobody would come to the Father by themselves. Its God's grace drawing us to him, to a relationship with Him. But in Baptism Christ pours faith hope and love into our hearts. Through his Grace we are suppose to cooperate with God's desire to change us. We have free will. Grace is the beginning, middle and end. We can't earn our salvation. But we believe clearly Scripture teaches its not "faith alone." Why else would paul say if I have faith to move mountains but have not love, I am nothing?" Its a paradox before. WE cannot earn our salvation, but we must cooperate with God's grace because God will not force himself on us. In the end we are trusting completely and 100% on God's grace. We have the sacraments so if we mess up we go to repent go to confession etc. We have the Eucharist where we believe we truly receive Christ's body, by receiving Christ we become more like him. Its all grace and a part from Grace we are nothing. But Catholic teaching is clear that there's a choice.
ReplyDeleteThere is plenty of Biblical support for our position. Including Christ's own words about the people who said "Lord, Lord"