Why Record?

One year ago our witnessing encounters and public proclomation of the gospel took a turn. It would seem like nothing big but to us it was a long tough decision. Two years ago I personaly began to feel a bit of excitment at the oppurtunity to record what was going on in the streets as we went out. We wanted others to see how you can open up a conversation with strangers in the matter of just one or two minutes and navigate through the tough waters of personal evengelsim. Not all our recordings make it on the youtube page but some do. We have since seen these videos featured on blogs, talked about on radio shows, recordings played on some of those same shows, we have had literlay hundreds of hits from people viewing our encounters. God has blessed this choice.

So just to help explain why we do it I would like to give our five main reasons. But first I want to address the fact that I understand a bit of apprehension toward something like this. Honestly what took us over a year of prayer was how it came across. The last thing we want is for those of you who watch to think we do this for entertainment and self exaltation. Trust me we don't. When we get on a soap box to preach, we feel no less foolish if there is a camera on us. When a church has its sermon's recorded and posted online it has a similar purpose. We see the gospel proclamation in the streets to have similar goals as well. So here is a brief explanation on why we record. Our hope is to put your concerns to rest so that we can all focus on the content of the video. Although we had no objections from those we are witnessing to, we know those stigmas are out there among our brothers and sisters. We hope to serve you and give you rest on this issue. If you still feel a bit unsure about this issue then please email, call, set up a time to have a cup of coffee or whatever. So here are our five reasons on why we record.....

1) For he unsaved- Today the internet has been badly abused by the broadcasting of ungodly content. We want to use this tool for the proclamation of the gospel. As we have said before, we have had hundreds of people who have viewed our videos after they have been posted online. This is more people hearing the gospel then just those who where there during the original witness encounter. We are not pragmatist in anyway nor are we result oriented in any of our ministry. We are just seeking to be biblical in the content and praising God when He chooses to use it for any purpose He pleases. So first we see it as a way to reach more lost people. Some of which are our family and friends who will not step into a church but may watch a video with someone they know in it proclaiming the biblical gospel. And we rest in the seed of God's word being planted.

2) To edify the Church- We desire to see the church motivated and mobilized and to raise up more people to take to the public streets of there community with the gospel of Jesus Christ. With so many excuses we are seeing the swift destruction of America as we know it. A large part of that is the lack of public proclamation and one to one witnessing. We have went to the largest events in the state of Michigan with only a handful of guys only to find that (out of hundreds - if not thousand of churches in the state) that we are the only ones there. Churches are not going out. Sadly to say that those that do (and those that that get media attention) are not usually preaching the biblical gospel. It is either some crazy group preaching how "God hates......(you fill in the blank)" with no love at all or someone with genuine love but with a gospel lacking in clarity and accuracy. But even those who are out there doing it that way have only been spotted a couple times out of hundreds. Think about it, when was the last time someone stopped to ask you if you were saved? They are not out there. It would seem the church for the most part is comfortable with a lack of persecution so the stewardship of freedom to preach in the streets is entirely neglected by today's modern church. But there is a slow movement under the radar of American culture arising. We praise God for that and hope these videos can be instrumental in getting the beloved to witness to strangers and loved ones alike.

3)To Protect us- The public proclamation of God's word is coming under increasingly aggressive attacks. With a post modern culture, absolute truths are not welcomed. Objects can be thrown, altercations can erupt or the police can be called because someone was offended by what the Bible says. All these examples are very important to have on record if the situation calls for review. To protect the ministry and supporters of the ministry from false accusations.

4) Personal Class room- Common way to critique ones efforts. To offer advice to a brother or make available for class room settings.

5) God to be glorified- This is the final wrap up and the most important. We simply want God to be glorified in all we do. All we are doing is seeking to be obedient to God's command to go and preach the gospel to all creatures.

We hope this helps explain more on why we do what we do. And with that we wanted to include a video for your viewing. Here is a video of a witness encounter we did not to long ago (If you are viewing this on facebook you will have to go to my blog to get this video)

Tune in this weekend for my next blog on the biblical case for open air preaching and one to one witnessing. Watch this video for a preview of things to come. It is a recent project in the works to be complete by summer of this year.

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