Radical Christianity?

Over the years there are certain fads in the main stream Christian circles that come and go. Those that either Barna or "Christianity" Today will do a news article on. Many of them are dangerous and some are just down right silly. Being more from the reformed ilk these fads bounce around out there and the Church does a fairly good job at identifying these issues and keeping away from them. But on occasion there are those subjects that are just so close to biblical Christianity they mask themselves under a cloak of "truthyness" (yes I did just make up a word).

One of those issues I have seen that has alarmed me more and more has been the term "Radical Christianity". I see folks like Francis Chan making a bold commitment to leave his church to start something new with no clear calling under this "pull" toward "radical Christianity". I have read books, seen blogs and heard from friends who are just discontent with there day to day life and always looking toward this form of a radical lifestyle.

Now don't get me wrong, Jesus does call us to live a radical, God glorifying, separate from the world, cross carrying kind of life. But my question is what does that look like? Because I am getting more and more a sense that people are associating that type of call to a modern day hipster/monk who does not take a shower and hangs out with the homeless all day. Again, I am not saying that we are not called to live radical (I know there will be people who will take that from this post) but all I am asking is what does that look like?

My concern is that if this is not placed in the proper context and we are breeding discontentment among the church. Take for instance Titus 2:3-5,

"Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God."

What do we have here? Well we have older women having a standard of godliness as to set an example and to teach the younger women of the church to do the following radical things, love there husbands, love there children, to be pure/self controlled, to be busy in there home, to be kind, and to be subject to there husbands. Does that sound radical in the sense of the term we have seen lately?

What about the following, Ephesians 6:5-7

Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ;Not with eye service, as men pleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart;With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men.

What we have in this section is a call for a man to be working as if He was working for Christ. So this can be a dad who goes to work 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., pays his taxes, plays with the kids, loves his wife and is devoted to serving his local church. Is this radical?

My point is that more and more of the term is being redefined. And I am not trying to single France Chan out alone. In fact I dont know much about Frances (although I did post a great sermon he did aside from his ecumenical endorsements of Rick Warren). All that I have seen has been good up until this point. But that is irrelevant. Others are using it. Men who live among the homeless (by choice) and right a book, political movements, and other social and economical agendas. We have to understand the the Bible gives us clear direction as to our desire to live radical life's for Christ. But to the stay at home mom, that is radical. To the dad who is trying to pay the bills and study his bible, brother, that is the radical life. The NT gives such clear perspective declarations of how to conduct our self in the real world under real situations. To say that those are all irrelevant because God wants us to leave it all behind is simply not valid. Does that mean God does not call some to go into other countries? Of course He does. Does that mean God does not call some to (in a special way) minister to the homeless? Of course He does. Please hear me out, those things are in fact necessary. My question is are they any more radical then the mom trying to do the best she can and glorify her creator and go to here ladies bible class? Are they "more" radical then the dad who goes to work day in and day out and conduct a small bible study after family devotions? The New Testament I think would say no!

Heidelberg Catechism hip hop song!

The First Ever Rap Song About the Heidelberg Catechism. Yes you read that correctly. A song about the Heidelberg Catechism. This was challenge presented by C.J. Mahaney to Curtis Allen at the 2010 Next Conference. As I have looked forward to hearing this song it stuck me. I am excited to hear a rap song about the Heidelberg Catechism. This is just another testimony of God's unspeakable grace to a sinner. He has indeed made all things new. Click here to listen to the song.


Verse 1

Yeah I'm on a mission like a couple spies, and that guys is the reason why I catechize. The good news we almost forgot I recognize, Heidelberg rediscovering the gospel prize. It's not scripture but the truth in it will mention he, introduction hide and seek the 16th century. Written in a time when your mind was the weaponry, this document is back into the populace shouts to Kevin D. Better than you think not as bad as you remember, purpose driven truth, from Frederick the elector. He would initiate, the 129 questions to illustrate truths like Christ propitiates. All in a document, whose purpose was to teach children, a guide for preachers, and confessions in a church building. And this is all fact The Heidelberg Cat has been around but now it's seem like it is coming back.


We believe in the cross, believe in his life,
We believe in his death, believe he's the Christ.
We believe that he rose from grave yes it is him
And we read the Heidelberg Catechism

We believe in the after life and we believe nothing's after Christ, so we stand our ground, cuz the truth's been around from the word to the Heidelberg.

Verse 2

Year of the Heidelberg resulting in renewed passion, and we could see it in our lives lights camera action. Let's take a gander and address a few questions from Heidelberg document then look at the answers. But before that make sure that, you know how it's broken down, in a Q & A format, a few sections. Suggestions how to read this not to sound promotional, but Kevin put it in his book to make it a devotional. Each question each answer has a bit of commentary, so the application of it is not some involuntary. Mystery, the history screams through rings true but I'll just leave that up to God, cuz that's between you. to believe, but to believe you gotta read you and then you meditate on all the truths that the Heidelberg will illustrate. What's that the catechism homey where you been the good news we almost forgot let's get it in!

Verse 3

From the word to the Heidelberg, we see that what's the comfort of life should come first. And in death that I with, body and soul but belong to the savior, commentary from me man, tell this to your neighbor. Moving on, how many things are necessary for thee, enjoying this comfort, to live and die happily? Three, my sin's misery, deliverance from sin, and gratitude for God is how the answer ends. Let's stretch it out the Lord's day 23 the grandaddy of them all, questions 59 and 60. What good does it do to believe in all this? In Christ I am right heir to the promise. Paraphrase, anyways I'm kinda limited I'm just trying to say a couple things my man Kevin did. On the Heidelberg, go and get you one, and by the way CJ homey this was fun.
Thankful to a mom who had me at fifteen. I know it was hard. I love you! To other soon to be mom's who are scared. It will be ok. To us the church (Proverbs 31:8-9) lets help the mom's and defend those with no voice.

Read some comments by Randy Alcorn on the song here. *Disclaimer, I dont think the artist is of the "Christian genre" so in no way am I endorsing the individual. I am however thankful for the lyrics and story of this song.