Yes! Ok so we all know that politics and Christianity can get way to played out about this time every 4 years or so. By this time and getting closer to November we are so tired of hearing the word politics that we can pull our ears off. So I do not want to go into this post with a political agenda. I want to tackle this issue of politics and the Christians proper view from a new angle that I don't think is touched on nearly enough.
Political anything in any country is a falling and failing system. Yes God appointed it and yes we are to be good responsible citizens of those offices. At the same time are Christians standing below the political "umbrella" looking up as if that is all we have or should we be above the system looking down?
Our hope is not in the outcome of this election (although we have hope for it) and our foundation is not in the Constitution of the United States (although we support it) but in the Word of God. Our hope is not in this world. We are to look down on a sinful fallen process and interject as much biblical input as we are asked but no more. That system does not belong to us and it never will. It belongs to the prince of the power of the air and as long as we are in this world it is yet another fallen system. We get so wrapped up with many secular humanist that we forget they are fighting for there life and hope. What are we saying when we get so vocal and so out of whack? That this is our only hope and its not. We have only a certain amount of time left. Use it and reach someone you don't know with the Gospel of Jesus Christ today.
Remind [the people] to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people.